Monday, April 9, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

It's pretty fun and easy to identify "treats" and include them into my plans for making the most of turning fifty.  So far this year, I've made it a point to sprinkle treats through the weeks -- spa treatments and orchids and tasty, specialty foods and so forth.

Sure, everyone loves chocolate and massages --  but what about those things I really enjoy that I'm not "supposed" to?  It's more challenging to allow myself these Guilty Pleasures.

For one thing, I have to admit my vices.  For another, I have to convince myself that it's really okay to enjoy these otherwise embarrassing things.

 Here are two of my Guilty Pleasures:

1.  Naps

Many studies have demonstrated myriad health benefits to napping -- but to me it's a Guilty Pleasure with a capital GUILT. 

My family had very strict work ethics.  I was raised to work HARD.  To struggle and toil.  To feel like a failure unless I had pushed myself to specific goals. 

It took a while, but eventually I re-trained myself to cultivate a less aggressively ambitious attitude.  These days, I'm delighted to report, I live a pretty balanced live.

Still, given my formative training, I feel guilty when I nap.  And I love naps.  There's nothing more soothing than taking a physical break in the day. Especially when I can cuddle with my two 72 lb dogs.  

This year, as part of making the most of turning fifty, I'm allowing myself some guilt-free naps.

2.  Web Surfing

It's one thing to be a news junkie -- it's another to bounce around websites of little redeeming value.  I can't explain why, but I'm drawn to keep abreast of memes and celebrity trivia and random topics like What Kate Wore. It's silly. I'd much rather be thinking about weightier things.  Yet every day, I find myself drifting back to what I know to be mindless time-fillers.  

I can't explain the attraction, but the truth is I truly *like* knowing what's going on in the popular culture. 

So, this year, I'm ratcheting back the guilt as I surf my favourite blogs.

How about you?  What are you Guilty Pleasures?  Send me a message or post a comment below.

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